Oct 3, 2018


Nora, at first comes off as very gentle and kind. She seems to care deeply for Yato, and continually prompts him to use her, because she was once a human and all she wanted was to have a family that cared about her. That however did make her greedy enough that she turned to violence.
Later, it is revealed how manipulating and cruel she is. She tries to kill Yukine, as well as taunt him, due to the fact that he was impure, but also because she wants Yato to use her instead of him. She also tries to kill Hiyori due to how close she has gotten to Yato and believing she has softened him. She is depicted to show interest in anything with beauty, as shown when she commented on Yukine's eyes. She, just as Yato, is influenced and controlled by the actions and demands of "Father," whom we later find out is Fujisaki Kouto. Although she is initially seen as a villian, she's another puppet in the grand scheme of Yato's family.

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