Dec 30, 2019

Monogatari series,Yotsugi Ononoki

Yotsugi Ononoki (ๆ–งไนƒๆœจ ไฝ™ๆŽฅ, Ononoki Yotsugi) is an expressionless human corpse tsukumogami and the shikigami familiar of Yozuru Kagenui.
She's a somewhat unique take on both of the terms that define her, as tsukumogami are normally described as tools or objects that have come to life after years of neglect, and shikigami are typically depicted as being spirits or ghosts that are bound to an onmyouji master. In her case, she's a corpse that was neglected but brought back to life, and a shikigami in the sense that she's a "spirit" that is bound to her master.

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